Many importing and exporting companies do not know how to increase the competitiveness of its products inside and outside Brazil, Brazilian exporters are tied to tax credits derived from purchases of raw materials. Importers, acomplish its procedures for import without the know-how ,often incurring in taxes overpayment .How to get to know if there are better alternatives to improve such operations? We know how Bexi develops projects aiming to correct framework of the process of import and export within the Brazilian tax legislation. We seek the best legal tax rates for the conduct of foreign trade operations for the companies.
Tax Classification of Goods
Ex-Collection of Fees (reduction of the import tax)
We import several products, from tires to metal products, from chemical raw materials to chemicals specialties. We import for local distribution in order to attend the demand of the Brazilian market for these products.
We export to several markets, Brazilian products such as USA, Eastern Europe and South America
We also do BACK BACK operations to exporting products from other countries.
The aim of this product is to analyze the tax management of companies seeking alternatives in order to pay less taxes without circumvent the tax.
Many companies end up doing illegal activities trying to reduce taxes and ultimately making mistakes that could cause a series of costs,let alone the problems generated along the public authorities. The tax planning allows the reduction of taxes within the law resulting an economy without running risks of such matters and fines.
It is possible the recovery of wrongly paid tax credits, in the absolute legality. Our focus is the analysis of procedures and verification of ancillary obligations (DIPJ, DCTF, Dacono, DIRF, GIA, SINTEGRA and Others), Tax Books, internal controls regarding the investigation of taxes, such as Pis and Cofins(social taxes) not cumulative, IPI(industrial tax), ICMS(VAT) and other indirect taxes.
Our philosophy is that tax revision of the taxpayer is going to make sure he pays less.
The Bexi helps foreign companies to enter Brazil through Shelf Companies, firms that are created and made available to investors for several reasons, among them the agility to start operating in Brazil instead of giving all the steps to create a new company, time of existence of the company for some specific requirements of BIDS or credit lines with banks etc ... among other facilities.
The Bexi can represent and distribute products of foreign companies wishing to explore the huge Brazilian market.